Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Yet I still found time to paint my nails...

Look, I've got sh*t to do man, I haven't got time for it to be multiplying itself into - for want of a better phrase - mini-sh*ts that I have to deal with before, after and during all the big stuff. So why extra thing keep popping up from the corners of God knows where is beyond me. Don't they have other people who can take care of them or, even better, can't they just take care of themselves? I write this as I start trying to plan a holiday I offered to organise for a friend, which is turning out to be slightly more logistical than at first glance. It's requiring more of my time and attention than I had allocated for the day, and this is making me tetchy.

As if I didn't already have enough writing to do, I've decided to enter some writing competitions that my university is holding. At some point during the past four years - possibly during my year abroad - I got it into my head that I'm a fantastic writer, and, accordingly, everyone should get the opportunity to see how fantastic I am. One of them is a short story but the other is an academic essay of around 4000 words. Yes, I'm voluntarily doing an academic essay. And what.

It's not just things that I need to do though (because I know you're thinking "didn't she just say that she chose to do 2 extra essays on top of her own dissertation that she's given herself a really stupid deadline for?" So shut up) but it's little hassles that pop in your face. This person wants to do this; this person wants to go there; this person's got an issue; this person still hasn't had their birthday present exchanged from last year, which has now been whipped back up into the frenzied, unnecessarily emotional sorting-out nonsense - which will probably last until their birthday this year - that people say they won't get involved in, but then get involved in outside of group discussion times making matters even less coordinated and more emotional; this firm's got an open day/training contract; hey, Edi, have you heard of X company? I think you'd suit them perfectly; Edi, you haven't written a blog post in a while, what's up with that?

Life's up with that B*tch. Deal with it. Sorry, I didn't mean to swear at you, and no, it's not because I'm on my period. It's probably mainly because I don't have a lot to write about at the moment because I'm too busy trying to sort all of this stuff out and I don't have my timetable for next semester yet so I can't make a detailed lesson/'free-time'/library timetable and till I can do that I can only focus on what I have in front of me, each item of which is distracting me from the other because I don't know whether to focus on degree, job hunt (and that's a whole other kettle of fish there depending on whether I decide to throw all my efforts into law or divide between law and non-law, and how long should I spend practising the assessment tests) or extra stuff more because until I get my essays from next semester back I don't know whether I'm aiming for a 1st or a 2:1.

That is all. Oh, that and b*tches be crazy.


  1. I feel you. Currently I seem to be aiming for everything and nothing at the same time. Doing everything and nothing is being done. I can't even apply to anything because technically, this year is only 33% of my grade and last year didn'tcount so no one,and I mean NO ONE not even my tutor can say what my predicted final grade is. Because even if I fail this year (lets say I get 15%) that's still only 15% forfeited. So if I ace next year, that's still a good 85%. Sorry for the rant, but it's nice to know you're not alone. And yes, b*itches really do be crazy.

    1. The key with the final grade things is to LIE. LIE THROUGH YOUR TEETH AND NEVER LOOK BACK. Also, nothing will ever be done, not until you graduate. That is the beauty of Uni life - fulfilling and yet un....fulfilling in ever way.

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