Sunday, 27 April 2014

All I have to write about is work, because that's all I do.

I feel I'm getting the hang of the work-life balance balance.

I manage to see at least one member of one group of friends once a week (last week I saw people from two different groups, a personal best), go on a date at least once a week, go to the gym three times a week, cook for for the entire week and watch Game of Thrones. Despite this minor achievement however, I can't shake the unfulfilled feeling that lingers everyday I wake up at 5am. An un-ticked to-do list sits at my bedside while unwritten articles pile up beside un-read books.

I thought have disposable income would help, but as it turns out money brings its own problems, as pointed out by Fran. There are literally limits to the amount of joy money brings, especially if you spend 70% of your time at work or asleep. For me, it's not so much about money but more about what I can't do due to work constraints. I really want to volunteer or take up some kind of extra curricular, like becoming a school governor or a part-time tutor, but as it is I can't find the right time to take time off to go get my fillings done.

Work is stressful in ebbs and flows, but the most difficult thing about trying to balance extra curriculars and my currents job is not the long hours, but the lack of contingency the company has in place for hectic periods. If I have someone working on the same product as me who's on holiday, I will not be able to take any time off during that period at all. That's an un-written rule of course, but due to the tight staffing and nature of the work, anyone with a minutia of common sense knows it to be true. It's frustrating, because I do want to explore outside activities, and while I am spending a lot of time with family and friends, doing something alone and by myself that isn't working-out would be a nice bonus.

I also miss studying. A lot. I thought I would be able to at least keep up with characters on the side, but though I speak Chinese almost everyday at work, I find my abilities flowing away like water. I'm currently reading academic books about paleolithic China to help me get through the withdrawal symptoms. I don't even get Chinese current affairs anymore. I'm like, "Obama's going to China? What?"

I have some longer term plans to deal with these personal issues, which will be revealed gradually, not only to avoid getting prematurely fired from my job due to lack of commitment, but also to keep people generally interested in what I have to say. In the meantime, I will continue to drink the free alcohol provided at work on a Friday. I promise I'll start looking for things to write about that aren't my job. Martin and I are going away next week if that helps? I'll take pictures, I promise.


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