Monday, 10 June 2013


In anticipation of my getting a 1st (lol jk, literally had no idea) I had prepared a speech. It wasn't long, Oscar length if you will. But considering all those people who have helped and supported me along the 'full-time education' stage of my life, I reckon I've got a few more people to thank than Jennifer Lawrence. So I won't write out the whole thing. Instead, I'm gonna give a shout out to those friends and family (and strangers) deserving more praise and love than I could ever give.

I'd like to thank:

All relatives (blood related or otherwise): especially all those who weren't in the least bit surprised, have been calling me a swot/geek/nerd for years and predicted the outcome of my degree apparently when I went to nursery. You now have permission to act smug.

The Ethnixx (*soon to be Illuminati*): Friends, Confidants, Occasional Lovers and Always Comedians - thank you for spending 10 years of your lives making me who I am.

The friends I made on my year abroad in China: for the encouragements, introductions, mutual coping, (mutual eye-rolling at China). And a special thanks certain someone who told me my Chinese would never be as good as theirs - without that motivation wouldn't be on cloud frickin' 9 right now. Will not mention the name as their ego is already too big for that.

Oh, and all Chinese friends - in fact ANY Chinese person who ever spoke to me EVER. Wherever you are, thank you.

Of course, the Chinese 4 (+ Joint Honours) class. Special thanks to Anitra + Meghan for the camaraderie; Martha for your sweetness; and Emma for keeping me company (and the lols).

Chinese Department Professors: In particular Julian Ward for always thinking I was better than I am and Daniel Hammond for his truthful, direct and sometimes necessarily harsh (but somehow really encouraging) approach.

The Slutton Place Girls - four years of Uni gold.

ALL Flatmates  -  Sally for a year of joy, the Boys for the 2 years of laughter (and many more besides), but most importantly the 'Eternal Flatmates' Sophie and Lucy, who were always by my side, even when we were apart.

A group of people I'm going to refer to here as 'The Boys' (not uni affiliated): Kishan in particular - the rest of you know who you are. For the fun and friendship, for being constant.

Colin, who has never doubted me, but still had the decency to act surprised.

Martin for 'dealing' (literally sometimes). For encouraging me and accepting my encouragement; for loving me and accepting my love.

And the final 2:

Serrena. I don't know how we didn't find each other sooner. Without you I would have been much more bored, understood a lot less, laughed half as much, but, most importantly, I would have struggled alone. I couldn't have done it without you. Thank you.

And finally, saving the best for last. The person who has been with me - literally- from the beginning. Without whom I would not be here today. Or even if I were here today, would not be half as successful without. She "taught me how to fish" (although still catches a couple for me now and again); pushed rather than encouraged; was truthful not placating; told me not to try hard, but harder. The only person in the world who will always love me as much as I love them. The most amazing person I - and many other people - know. Whose parenting skills are now (and have been for some time) the envy of parents across the globe. Who has been, and always will be, by my side. Thank you Mum.

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