Saturday, 18 August 2012

Does ‘Blogger’ count as a skill?

I’m not desperate for skills, hobbies and interests to put on my CV and upcoming application forms, but I have to wonder if I can include my blog as any one of these, from logistical point of view as well as a space filling one. It doesn’t really add anything (I’m not sure ‘avidly and continuously updating my adoring Facebook friends on my worldly doings’ can really go under the category of ‘creative writing’), and to be honest I’m not even sure I could talk it up into having some sort of higher purpose.

Maybe if I went semi-pro with it?

/ˌsɛmiprəˈfɛʃənl, [sem-ee-pruh-fesh-uh-nl, sem-ahy-]

1. actively engaged in some field or sport for pay but on a part-time basis: semi-professional baseball players.
2. engaged in by paid, part-time people: semi-professional football.

3. having some features of
professional work but requiring less knowledge, skill, and judgment: a semi-professional job.
Hmm…so, according to definitions two and three, sub-sections 1, all I need to do is slap some Google adds on the sidebar, earn a little bit of dollar from ‘clicks’ and boom, I’m almost professional. I’ve already got the ‘less knowledge’ bit covered. Get in.
However, another problem presents itself in that if I include my blog on my application forms then a prospective employer might actually read it. Yes, that would be the point. But lets face it, my blog is highly opinionated in a very prejudicial way, contains way too many swear words and, worst of all, is derisively humorous. For example, I don’t think an interviewer would care for a later review of my experience as being ‘about as much fun as a poke in the eye’, with the interviewer himself being described as a 'wet fish' (see previous blog for more details)– and if they don’t care for my opinions, they’re not going to care about me.

Well, I was just wondering…

Edi Xxx

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