And so it begins. And by it I mean the rest of my life, of course. Or perhaps more suitably, the beginning of my adult life. I have yet to graduate from University, but I very recently turned 21, making me a internationally certified and fully qualified Adult. You may have some nagging questions, such as where/what do you study [I can actually just answer those - Edinburgh University [UK], Mandarin Chinese], why on God's green and bountiful earth you would you subject yourself to that ('that' being the permanent headache that is Chinese), and any other number of trifling inquiries. For more details, please see my "About me" to the right, or take a glance at my previous blog which is mainly about my year abroad in China, cause frankly I ain't got time to explain all that again. I'm starting from 21 and so are you.
"Why now?" You may ask. Well, actually you'd probably ask "Why have you decided to start writing this blog at this point?" Sorry, I was trying to be artistic. Well, you know, it's getting to that point, final year and all: time to tidy up the CV, start gaining some 'life experience', apply for graduate schemes or, in my case, if you're not ready for the real world yet, apply for schemes that entitle you to at least 1 more year of education. And I wanted to keep a log, a diary if you will, of the ups and downs of this journey away from my lifelong friend Education and into the real world.
So to bring you up to speed, my main two considerations are the Law Training Contract or some sort of postgraduate degree.
I'll save the riveting details of the training contract for another post - let's try to keep it short and sweet. Basically, in the interests of better job prospects and [essentially] immediately excellent pay, the training contract would be my first choice. Another ambition would be to either go to Stanford University or a University in China in order to continue my studies of the Far East. I love the idea of becoming a scholar but, as my mum often reminds me, I like nice things, soooooooooo yeah. Probably gonna become a lawyer. Not forever though - I still need to fit in Japanese and Chinese fluency, as well as living abroad and a family in there somewhere. But lawyering, yeah, sounds great.
I have a lot of things to fit in before that, including Work Experience which i'm currently undergoing [again, another post], actually completing my degree and trying to enjoy my youth while I still got it.
So, as far as introductions go, that's it for now. I haven't actually been 21 for long enough for anything life-changing to have occurred, but that's all in the works, and I'll keep you updated on it... assuming I have the time. Thanks for reading the first post of round 2 of my blogging experience. I hope you enjoy the ride - It can only get better from here [hopefully].
Edi Xxx
I'd like to dedicate this post to my good friend and possibly biggest fan Leela Paul, who always reminded me to update my previous blog, and pestered me until I agreed to start a new one. There will be a quiz, Leela.
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