Monday, 4 March 2013

First World Problems

Ergh, my life is so stressful right now.

After the 'stress' of having to get my dissertation done and handed in, which only happened like 3 days ago, I've now got a whole new set of problems to deal with. So, I've been forced to take part in the  internationally recognised, way-too-much-of-a-big-deal-for-the-Chinese-speaking-community Chinese Bridge competition against my will. Forced is a bit strong I grant you, but I think this situation warrants at least some recognition of my coercion. What is this competition, you ask? Well, they'll be a separate, much more riveting, post with the full details later, but needless to say between the daily practices at random times of the morning/evening, it's taking up way to much of my time. Time that could be spent in the library.

Good thing I can cancel one of those meetings though, as I've got a job interview on Thursday. "Great!" I hear you say. "no." I reply. They only told me today, which means that train tickets are gonna be however many thousands of pounds, plus i know next to nothing about the company, so the time i could have spent researching (or doing other work) is now taken up with 'panic!' time.***

Even better, I'll be coming to London AGAIN for another 5, lemme say that again, 5 days from the 15th because, hip hip hurray, the Chinese competition's on the 16th....and then I have yet another interview on the 19th. Because things only happen in London. I live in Edinburgh. thank God I've got family there otherwise I'd just sack it all off.

I've also got a presentation next week, plus two essays due in some time this month, so, in short:

So, if you'll excuse me, I've got speeches to learn, presentations to write, plans to cancel and trains to book. My mum was not sympathetic.

*Quick amendment - I've just seen that this interview start at 8:30 as well!!! What is happening!!


  1. Some ranting sweetness, and see how you ended up, lol.....
    This is just an indication that ranting is not good for you.
    How are you, how is the weather treating you and how did you job interviews pan out?
    Hoping to see you soon sweetness. You take care now.
    Love always

    1. Haha true! The interview went OK I think, I should hear back some time next week. As for the weather, I think I'm starting to get a cold...but I'm fighting it as hard as I can. As you can see, I really don't have time to be ill! xxx
