Well, now that's out of the way, I'll tell you why I've felt the need to verbalise my misery and frustration. So, you all know I had come up with a dissertation plan - the only problem was I hadn't discussed this plan with my supervisor. I knew what he would say before I got to the meeting: "It's too broad."
And, indeed, that was what he said.
So the problem now is: where to next? Well, I still want to focus on this idea of democracy, despite the screw-mouthed-head-tilted-sympathetic-'ok-but-are-you-sure?' looks my dissertation supervisor insists on shooting me. I know I'm not writing a PH.D paper, but it would be so much easier if I was. At length we discussed the issue of 'narrowing down', and he advised me to pick a piece of work (an article, book, study) and use that as a focal sort of 'bouncing' point for my ideas.
Now, I've kind of settled on an article called China: Capitalism doesn't require democracy, and basing my writing around why the writer is, essentially, correct. I want to argue that capitalism in China has only strengthened the Communist party's position, and, contrary to popular belief, China is not moving towards democratisation as a result. Sounds good, right, right?! However, I can't shake this nagging feeling that my tutor's gonna shoot this idea down and halfway through the year I'll still have no bloody idea what I'm doing woeifhwougbowuloslvsowgboevs.
This is doing my need for hyper-organisation no good.
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