I may have jumped the gun here, considering that a graduand is someone who's actually 100% "about to graduate or receive a degree," but I think you get the point: EXAMS ARE OVER.
I woke up at 11 yesterday, eleven. Well, actually I woke up at 6:30 (thinking, when do I have to be at the library?), 7, 8, 9, 10:30 and then finally got up at 11. It was great. I have done nothing for three days, I had a real meal - albeit cooked by someone else, but we'll take it - and I've played video games at leisure, as opposed to snuck in between reading over revision booklets.Unfortunately, life doesn't end at 'nearly graduated'. Having found myself in possession of a job, as well as several holidays and the realisation that I will have to move back to my permanent home at some point, I do, indeed, have things to do. Then there's 'spacial issues' for sharing suitcases (as well as convincing friends that, being of Nigerian blood, I can fit as much stuff into one suitcase as physically possible and more), waxing appointments and even a friend's birthday before we even leave the bloody country.
Of course I'm excited about the Folder Making. What is Folder Making, you ask? Why is it in capitals? Let me tell you. As well as having to collate some 'teaching materials' so as to impart my Western knowledge unto my Eastern students more easily, I've also decided to take up knitting, Japanese, and looking for a permanent job whilst in China. All of these require their own folder. Don't question it, just let it happen.
I've also got to buy an entirely knew wardrobe and real, grown-up makeup in light of the fact that 1. Everything I own is 5 years old or older, 2. I am no longer a student and need material possessions that reflect this fact, 3. Almost everything I own has a hole in it. Good friends of mine will be shocked by this knowledge. It may relieve you to know I will also be buying new video games on this shopping trip.
But for now I'm just chillin'. And it feels really good.